Wedding Permits

A special event is a preplanned single gathering or consecutive gatherings, expected to draw 25 or more persons on public property. You can contact our office to obtain a permit.
San Simeon Community Services District Ordinance reads in part that “No special event shall be held on any District Street or public area unless a permit is first obtained. Peaceful demonstrations including lawful picketing that do not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic are not considered special events.
Ordinance 109 was established to provide procedures and requirements for conducting special events in the District of San Simeon.
View Ordinance 109
Permit Request Form
Please include the following information in your request:
- The name, address and telephone number of the person requesting the permit
- The purpose of the event and the number of persons expected to attend
- The date the event and the hours it will be conducted
- Proof of liability insurance is required and can be emailed or faxed to the District office prior to the event